Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prince of Persia Review

Prince Of Persia

So, I'm just going to rant a bit about how I felt playing through Prince of Persia. The big thing that struck me right off the bat is you can't die. Don't think "o he's saying that just because it's an easy game" no, you literally can not die. If you jump off a cliff, miss an edge, or get slain by an enemy your trust magic friend Elika will be there to pick you back up and let you carry on your merry way. This helps the game be more enjoyable for all levels of gamers, one of my friends who had only played one game in her life got enticed to play as I drove the "you can't die" factor home.

Elika (pictured above)

There is plenty of the old school Prince of Persia, flag pole swinging, wall running, puzzle solving type of stuff with a limited amount of combat. The controls are like Assassin's Creed's but instead of holding buttons you just tap them once you reach a certain point. So to run along a wall you run up to it, tap A to jump, push the toggle stick towards the wall and bam, you're wall running. Tap A again to jump off, or you fall off after a certain amount of time.

There is also these magic "steps" on the walls
The Step of Ormazd(Rebound)(Pictured Below)

Each color does different things, for instance yellow makes you fly, and the red above launches (rebounds) you fast to a set area, after pushing Y upon landing on it.

Combat in the game is all based on combos. At first I got an extreme God of War feel to the combat because how it explains it is "X, then push A, then push Y" that kind of thing, and you watch him do his thing to the enemy. The scenes are sweet to watch when you first start playing the game, but eventually you learn the best combo and stick to it, seeing the same thing over and over. The lack of enemy models also makes combat very repetitive very fast. There is only 2 regular character models, one weak soldier type and one bigger you have to knock him into things kinda boss. Having this boss being beat only by knocking him into certain areas makes the battles sometimes long and aggrivating. That is why it took me this long to finish the game and write this review.

All in all, I enjoyed this game up until the half way point and then it seemed to drag on. The story is pretty bland and the voice acting is brutal, I mean you're the prince of persia and there is no lick of an accent at all. You also pull some witty teenage humor at parts which ruined it for me at times.

I'd give it a 7 / 10.

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