Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday E3 2008 so far..

So far the Nintendo conference has finished and it was really plain. They announced a new more responsive addition we can add on to our wii-motes. They also announced a couple more mini games Wii Music and Wii Resort (which comes with the more responsive wii motion plus). A new Animal Crossing was announced with online multiplayer. They also announced a Star Wars Clone Wars game which allows you to control your lightsaber with the wii mote.

The Sony conference is starting..

Sony is saying that 2008 will be the year of software for the ps3. First off they brought out Resistance 2, and showed a demo of a gigantic 600 foot leviathan who tosses you from building to building. A new level "Twin falls Idaho" was displayed as the finale for Resistance 2. Little Big Planet was the next game talked about which they had a very well done example level used to liven up the statistics they went over. Then they went on to talk about 130 titles being released for the ps2 in 2008 and a new bundle containing ps2, lego batman, and the justice league movie for $149. PSP was talked about as well with a new bundle coming out with ratchet and clank, national treasure 2 umd for $199. Next up was Sony Online Entertainment's DC universe online. Second last they showed trailers for God of War 3 and Infamous. MAG (Massive Action Game) was the last game which talked about a ridiculous 256 player battlefield with 8 player squads lead by someone who has proved themselves in battle.

Another couple videos from e3:
Afro Samurai
Playstation Home

The Low Down on Monday's E3 2008

So What did we learn today at e3? Microsoft has lured yet another franchise to it's consoles with Final Fantasy 13 now officially being released on both the ps3 and the 360. Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, Gears of War 2, and Fable 2 were the games fired off at the beginning of the conference. Each shown with gameplay and described even more in detail. (See Videos) After that microsoft introduced that a new dashboard update will be coming along with customizable avatars. They also got a deal with net flix so expect much more selection on xbox live. After all of this they went on talking about all the music and activity games such as guitar hero and scene it. Seems to be feeding off of the wii's success. Microsoft also made a statement saying that they will sell more 360's than ps3's this year.

EA had a conference as well, that was only online. One big title they went into detail describing was Left 4 Dead. Mirror's Edge, Spore, and Madden 09 were also talked about. Also more about the next portal game was released.

Monday, July 14, 2008

E3 2008 Where to watch?

Here's some links of where to watch e3 2008 live

IGN Livewire

Screw Attack



The first coverage starts today at 10:30am PDT