Friday, October 17, 2008

Warhammer Online Brings on 2 Classes

Two of the classes that were dropped closely to the original release date of this game are now going to be implemented into the game. The 2 new classes will be Empire's Knights of the Blazing Sun and the Dark Elven Black Guards . These are similar classes to the ironbreaker and the chosen, which makes us ask if they will make them differ enough to make it worthwhile to make the switch. Most likely they will just have new skills and appeal to new players not luring already existing players over to those characters.

No firm date has been set yet, although there is word that December is when this will hit the streets. It has also been said that this will be an update free of charge.

Little Big Planet New Release Date

Since all the commotion this morning about certain edits being made last minute to the game, they decided to adjust the release date to October 27th.

"We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible."

Well.. another week my friends.

Best Game Swag for upcoming games

By now, most of us have seen the Lancer that is accepting pre-orders on in recognition of the Gears of War 2 release. Personally I wanted one ever since I saw Cliff toting around the stage with a real size one upon the Gears 2 accouncement.

Now Fallout 3 has the lunchbox, bobblehead doll of a vault dweller, a 'making of' dvd, and last but not least an alarm clock. Just a great assortment of nostalgia that is tough to pass up. This package actually comes with the game, I do not believe the others do, but man are they amazing conversation pieces.


Last but not least, now has some very interesting Far Cry 2 Merchandise. You have to check this one out, also they have a few other items that can be seen here . Quite interesting and awesome looking stuff!


Now I just want to see these items out and about not just pictures. Not quite sure how they would go about selling you a Corrupted Warlord, wonder how they'd keep those bad boys in stock. If you're getting any let us know which one(s)!

Which one do you believe is the best?

Little Big Planet and the Qur'an?

As it turns out, the delay of little big planet to the european market is now actually a worldwide recall based on Islamic text included in the background music in one of the levels.

1- In the 18th second: “كل نفس ذائقة الموت” (”kollo nafsin tha’iqatol mawt”, literally: ‘Every soul shall have the taste of death’).

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: “كل من عليها فان” (”kollo man alaiha fan”, literally: ‘All that is on earth will perish’).

“We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused.” stated the company.

“During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an”

more at kotaku

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bioshock 2 revealed!

Slowly, but inevitably, October 21st is coming. A day in which the release of Bioshock on the Playstation 3 may be overshadowed by a couple titles that have been on the tops of gamers' lists for quite some time. Those titles being Fable 2, and Farcry 2. The faithful fans of 2k will be pleasantly treated to a teaser of Bioshock 2 when they purchase it for the Playstation 3. If you haven't picked up a copy or had a chance to experience Bioshock, no better time than now. With Bioshock being as suceessful as it was, there was really no doubt that a sequel (or possibly prequel?) was coming. The main question is, what next? Check out the teaser here, from 1up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

EndWar demo released

Tom Clancy's EndWar demo is now available for download via the Xbox live marketplace! Apparently the voice commands are just delightfully simple. I'm really looking forward to playing this game.

Tom Clancy's EndWar will be available November 4th.

Left 4 Dead Pre-sale

Valve is now ready to take your money for their upcoming release Left 4 Dead available for pre-order via Steam. Get it while it's hot, 10% discount for purchasing early $44.99!

X-Play's Fallout 3 Special

So here is a few links to video from the X - play fallout 3 special:

Story of Bethesda

Open world Environment

Art and Tech

Weapons and Combat

RPG Elements

Fallout 3 will hit store shelves on October 28th!

Fable 2 and Far cry 2 so close!

The long awaited sequels to their respective series' are almost in our grasp. Fable 2 and Far Cry 2 will both be released on October 21st.

Fable 2 is an Xbox 360 exclusive title that should deliver hours of fun for rpg fans. They are currently having a little contest over at to promote the game and get you free stuff upon starting the game.

Here is the most recent interview gametrailers had with Peter Molyneux ( Lead Designer )

Here is the most recently released trailer for Far Cry 2 enjoy! Far Cry 2 comes out on October 21, and will be for PS3, Xbox360, and PC.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blizzcon and TGS Wrap up

Well Blizzcon and TGS have wrapped up

for a complete wrap-up and more on TGS check it out

for a complete wrap up and more on Blizzcon check it out